Harold's Client Web Sites

Rankings on the top Internet search engines.
Yahoo, Google, MSN, AltaVista, AOL, Netscape, Lycos and many more.


Traffic Ranking
According to Netcraft.com, there are 16.6 Million active sites on the Web (approximately 40 Million total). The ranking you see in the Alexa-certified Traffic Ranking button (certified by Alexa) represents where each site ranks in traffic, out of all those 16,600,000 sites -- it does not count the 23,000,000+ inactive ones.

A site that ranks at 166,000 (or better) is in the Top 1% of all sites. A site that ranks from 166,000 to 332,000 is in the Top 2%. After that, each successive bracket of 166,000 sites falls into the next percentile (ex., a site from 332,000 to 498,000 is in the Top 3%).

NOTE: Alexa is a large, reputable company with an installed base of millions of users who are tracked as they surf the Net, allowing Alexa to provide the most comprehensive traffic ranking figures.

Springville, Utah - Art City - Community Web Site
Springville, Utah the Art City is home of the Springville Museum of Art, Springville Playhouse, Villa Playhouse Theatre, and Springville World Folkfest. Close to 40 sculptures have been placed around the city.
First Place Rankings: 86 Top 5: 203 Top 10: 292 Top 20: 377


Vantage Controls
Vantage Controls, headquartered in Orem, Utah, designs and manufactures stylish keypads to replace old-fashioned light switches, along with computerized control and dimming systems using conditional logic to automate lights, fans, pumps, thermostats, audio/video equipment, sprinklers, motorized drapes/blinds/doors and more.
First Place Rankings: 148 Top 5: 319 Top 10: 409 Top 20: 531



Utah Job Guide - Utah Job Networking Site
The Utah Job Guide will help you speed up your Utah job search. Information on career counseling or job-hunting. The ten hottest careers, Utah's 100 Fastest Growing Companies, tech jobs, and soon, government jobs, free sample resumes, cover letter examples, and Interview tips.
First Place Rankings: 61 Top 5: 108 Top 10: 127 Top 20: 157


Navajo Art
Navajo Art is dedicated to showcasing Authentic Native American Art and Crafts, Navajo Indian Jewelry, Navajo Rugs, and Navajo Pictures from local Artists. Learn about the Navajo nation, history, culture, language, food, hogans, legends, sand paintings, code talker, Navajo tribes and clans.
First Place Rankings: 21 Top 5: 63 Top 10: 77 Top 20: 112

More Utah Web Design Sites




Copyright 2003 Harold Carey Jr.
Send questions and comments to harold@haroldcarey.com
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